Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Solstice 6!

Greetings all you happy runners! 
It's fall - I missed a lot of the year but am ready to get started on the 
6th annual Winter Solstice Marathon!!!!!!! 
Look at all those exclamation points - it must be a big n! Why yes, yes it is - it's on a Sunday Sunday SUNDAY this year, making it almost like a real event.
So - there was talk of a multiple BUT we simply do not have the volunteer pace to do that - so it's just the one day event Sunday December 21
10 km
 1/2 marathon
Full marathon
 6 km walk or run around the lake

More details to follow soon
Like the exorbitant entry fee (probably $20)
News on bling
And when registration opens - Soon
But first finish your fall marathons - plan to run this one & plan on having fun in the wet (often) beautiful, sometimes cold and slushy, always heart warming, free chili marathon to celebrate winter.
Oh and
Always looking to expand that volunteer base
And - we offer absolutely NO PRIZE MONEY!!!  So everyone is welcome but I can not pay you!